These people I call family have entered into my life to tear my world apart. I've contacted enough people to stop the abuse and none of my contacts are bringing peace as the liars continue to lie to me about the ones that I love.
Hiding loved ones and keeping me from my loved ones just who have I contacted and who is not doing their job?
What should I do? Just allow the liars to continue to lie?
This doesn't make me mad it makes me sick...
The gauntlet has been dropped with a thud, the liars are asserting their power over the truth, and I'm supposed to roll over and go back to sleep?
I'm going to do what I can to wake up the world to the truth, the reality that exists... What do you think I will do today?
I have so many choices...
One path leads to life and the other leads to death... Which path will I choose this day?
Will I lie?
What do you think if I can access WiFi do you think I could put on a little demonstration for my Grandmother?
Do you think I could help older people find access to lost memory and organization to their days?
Are you bored? I have a story to share...
All things can work together for good, if we can just get them properly arranged.
How can I be so smart? And such a victim of liars???