I had just welcomed our newest member and they saw the value of our forum based on well developed friendships. Those friendships are created by the people who are in charge of this group that don't allow conflicts to get out of control. The thing that I admire most is that while there are conflicts and there will always be conflicts the resolution is not shutting down one side and instead the people actually in charge get involved to find the source or root of the problem.
There was a great example of conflict resolution on the thread about the Star Child Skull and in the end when the dust settled the extraneous negative energy was removed. So now when I say that I could demonstrate how conflict resolution is dealt with I no longer have that proof I was so proud to point to, I want to extol affirm that the issue was not as it appeared it was a perception issue that ruffled a feather and was quickly and professionally dealt with... I applaud the host and her team of moderator's...
I'm sorry that a line I wrote caused such a stir, and yet because of my own unique path I am not able to move in a different direction but as time allows I'm sure to grow and learn and maybe with new eyes I will understand differently or maybe I won't find the evidence but what I do know is quite amazing and how that information comes to me is beyond explanation.
I could say that it is logical or I could say that it is a hunch...
I really think that it is abnormal.
I'm really glad to be a part of this wonderful group... Thanks everyone...