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 Social Conditioning

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Light Warrior
Light Warrior

Social Conditioning Empty
PostSubject: Social Conditioning   Social Conditioning EmptySun Apr 12, 2009 2:44 am

We have been given many ways of teaching either through example like monkey see and monkey do or through all forms of communication the forms of communication that I have learned about include:


  1. Verbal

    1. Writing
    2. Song or Poem

  2. Non-verbal

    1. Body Language
    2. Intuition (Reading the world and people around you)

The term social conditioning was used in a book that I was reading called Standing on One foot it was a bunch of testimonies of blind people published by Kernel book in 1994.

It struck me odd that I was reading a book about blindness and seeing all of the blindness that sighted people have.

We are conditioned at an early age at least most of us are to accept the things in the world around us as a given when in fact we have a great ability to bring about a great change to make our world a safer place for the majority of people who don't have to suffer unnecessarily.

We need to work together to stop that element that causes suffering from controlling our lives and our minds.

It is sad that I not only have to deal with abuse, the abuse also includes drugs that are going to make exposing the truth that much harder.

This post is linked to these two other posts:
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Blue Water
Blue Water

Social Conditioning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Social Conditioning   Social Conditioning EmptySun Apr 12, 2009 12:17 pm

Yes, this issue interests me too. I am very much against the institutionalism of children. "Sit down, shut up and do this. Don't think. Don't feel. Don't be who you are. Be and think the way that we tell you to be and think." That is so wrong! I hope someday that a study is done for the negative effects of institutionalism on children.
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Social Conditioning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Social Conditioning   Social Conditioning EmptySun Apr 12, 2009 9:00 pm

It already has been Blue. This semester I am studying social psychology and a large part of it is about socialization. It's now been found that without socialisation, children fail to develop intelligence and language, and they lack attachment skills which later become social skills involved in forming relationships. Institutionalization is the worst offender. Skeels and Dye researched the link between socialization and development in children:

Baby Intelligence Development Case Study

Another example is one of the classical studies undertaken in 1939. The results are rather startling, and just go to prove the idea of increasing baby intelligence through stimulation.

The study was done by Skeels and Dye on 13 infants and young children in an orphanage. These children were between 7 months and 30 months and were transferred from their orphanage to a school for mentally retarded children. Note that the babies were transferred to only a school for mentally retarded children, not some fancy stimulation facility.

At the school for the mentally retarded, our orphans were placed in a ward with a few older and brighter girls, who started playing with them during most of the time they were awake.

Just by playing with these babies, the older girls provided many more experiences and much more stimulation than was provided for the children left behind in the orphanage.

After the new babies had been in the ward for a period (they did not say how long it was), Skeels and Dye again arranged a second intelligence test on all the babies (those that were move from the orphanage and those who stayed behind).

All 13 children who were moved to the “stimulation environment” showed gains in IQ ranging from 7 to 58 points. And just to double check their results, Skeels and Dye arranged for the 12 children who stayed behind at the orphanage to also undergo an intelligence test.

And here is the important part… all the children at the orphanage showed a decrease in IQ ranging from 8 to 45 points.

Twenty-one years later, all the children in both groups were located and the differences in their life situations were once again compared. Of the 13 who received the stimulation in the school for the mentally retarded, all were self-supporting. On the other hand, of the group that remained in the orphanage, one died in an institution for the retarded, and five were still in institutions.

The differences in education between the two groups are just as staggering. For the transfer group, the median (midway between highest and lowest) was a 12th grade, or graduation. Four completed one or more years of college, with one boy receiving a bachelor’s degree from a large state university. For the group of 12 who remained at the orphanage, half did not complete the third grade, and none of them went to high school.

Clearly, this study shows the importance to stimulate baby intellectual development at a very early age. This is important development of intelligence and for general independent functioning. Of course a school for retarded children is not the best place for giving the right kind of stimulation, but even in this setting, the older retarded girls who played with the children have given enough stimulation to make a tremendous difference in the baby’s development. Just think what difference could have been made in a really good stimulating environment at home.

source: Baby Intelligence Development

Social Conditioning is the process most children go through to learn the norms of their culture, family, nationality, peer group, religion...the list of influences here goes on and on. Being institutionalised obviously impacts on this greatly.
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Light Warrior
Light Warrior

Social Conditioning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Social Conditioning   Social Conditioning EmptyMon Apr 13, 2009 2:29 am

When I read this I started thinking about my own personal knowledge of how negative stimulation destroys family dynamics, an example I thought to write about was that of my own failed relationship and how the people outside of my relationship had designed the future failure of that relationship.

Social Conditioning can be both good and bad if used properly we can raise happy and healthy families and if we are not careful of the negative consequences we can create a destructive energy that destroys all that once was.
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Social Conditioning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Social Conditioning   Social Conditioning EmptyMon Apr 13, 2009 9:33 am

True Gary but the implications go deeper still. Imagine children in the hands of say a group who want to brainwash them into becoming mindless droids or foot soldiers... it is very easy to see how cults work as an institution socialising children to grow into adults who know no better than the ways of that cult perpetuating it's practices...

Now apply this theory to a bogus health programme run by a covert government trying to gain power...can you see the danger? The reality? Don't think it's not happening...and what about the school system? Where do you think their policies and practices come from? The government. The biggest institution of all!
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Light Warrior
Light Warrior

Social Conditioning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Social Conditioning   Social Conditioning EmptyTue Apr 14, 2009 7:04 am

I think we are talking on the same points, I'm not anti-establishmentarian by any means, but I do see the danger that you see. When Government controls society we have to be very careful of who is behind the policy and why?

Drug companies can get filthy rich if they can just get that immunization passed as a law for all children to be protected, put a bad egg into the mix, and people end up getting hurt... How can we better weed out the bad eggs?

Who tells the truth and who tells lies? As we work together we can learn what a lie looks like and find ways to share the experience so that we can better defend against such false accusations or situations that cause harm to individuals and families...

We want people to avoid bad eggs for their own well being.
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Social Conditioning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Social Conditioning   Social Conditioning EmptyTue Apr 14, 2009 10:38 am

I am talking about seeing exactly how the NWO is coming into power without being detected. All the time we are being told that science is for our advancement and the knowledge gained from studies are for our benefit. Interestingly many studies are funded by the military or umbrella groups like workplace health and safety and then the information becomes available to the hidden factions of our governments and used in these seemingly beneficial programs that are actually grooming us to become mindless slaves.

It is up to us as Light workers to anchor the light on this planet and bring about our own positive use of social conditioning to help others awaken and reclaim their autonomy and power.
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Social Conditioning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Social Conditioning   Social Conditioning EmptyFri Apr 24, 2009 5:11 pm

I just want to add that I am so over living in an illusion caused by the brainwashing effects of social conditioning. "Do this do that be accepted don't rock the boat get a job be normal" You know what, the establishment can keep their rules and agenda but i am going pirate and mutinying...trying to be part of that reality has nearly killed me. I am sick of being fed crap and feeling like crap because I can't be me. Let's ditch this lie and get real. Who wants to ride the boat to freedom with me?

jedi 1
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Solane Star
Solane Star

Social Conditioning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Social Conditioning   Social Conditioning EmptySat Apr 25, 2009 12:31 am

I do, I do !! !!

The Eagle wings
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Social Conditioning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Social Conditioning   Social Conditioning EmptySat Apr 25, 2009 3:17 am


wings huggz bunney
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Blue Water
Blue Water

Social Conditioning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Social Conditioning   Social Conditioning EmptySat Apr 25, 2009 4:44 am

Thanks for the link, Kat! It demonstrates the point in a scientific way. At least now I have something to reference.
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Social Conditioning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Social Conditioning   Social Conditioning EmptySun Apr 26, 2009 3:53 am

I am there with you..... but my fears keep me from rocking the boat. Its sad, but it is true. But I am getting there and voicing my opinion.

My thought on the children.... I believe children need direction. People need direction. Sometimes people need to be told what to do. Sometimes people need to feel their way on their own. Its circumstances that dictate what needs to be done. There are ways from teh past that did wonders for children, by telling them when, where, and how. These days, children are non-socialised electronic lovers that don't know how to be in society. So what is the best thing... not necessarily telling them, do what you feel is right.... but offereing them structured, play and time to figure out what they are. Not putting them down, but challenging them with new thoughts and ideas. Listening to them and giving them value. Yelling at them when they are jerks and not letting them get away with stuff.

Whether or not they are being brainwashed, is on a basis of each kid.... I could be accidentally be brainwashing them to MY view and who to say I am right about anything. Its all subjective. Who are we and why does my opinion matter? Because its mine. no one else forced me to think it. I read, I looked into.... I formed it.
That is what children should learn while learning what they need to know in order for them to survive in this world.

But this is just my opinion... I may have strayed from the original post, sorry
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Social Conditioning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Social Conditioning   Social Conditioning Empty

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