The Universe is always seeking to bestow greater good and prosperity upon you. All you need do is open your heart and embrace it. - The Akumon
Akumon Bridge Of Manifestation
Affirmation - I Am A Powerful Manifestor Of that Which I Desire
Moving from where you are now to where you desire to be. Attracts specific tools, ideas and information that is best suited for your own individual Soul expression to support the manifesting process. As you begin to shift from one life expression to a more beneficial one, you will find it much easier to release inner blockages and fears that have barred your way. It can help the manifestation process to think of moving from one level of life expression to another as walking across a beautiful bridge. As you are walking across this bridge visualise people, resources and spiritual energies coming towards you to greet you and offering you gifts and support. See yourself easily accepting all the Good that is being offered to you and using it to manifest that which you are seeking. It can be very helpful as well to keep a journal, noting what each has offered you so that if you do not understand some of what you are being given, you may meditate upon it later and its meaning shall become clearer, empowering you to use the gifts and blessings more effectively.
By Morning Star