Oh Nighty, I do pray your little friend survives. Your story reminds me of something similar that happened to me about a month ago. My dog had a baby bird in his mouth that had fallen from a nest and the kids and I saved it. It wasn't injured, it just hadn't learned to fly yet. We kept watch over it and the two parent birds came down and also watched as the little baby hopped his way up the branches of a tree.
The next morning, the little bird was back - this time outside my bedroom and catching my cat's attention. Again the kids and I escorted it away from the house and waited while it got back up a tree to mommy and daddy birdy.
I felt so good having saved his little life again.
That was only hours before my dog was tragically killed. I couldn't believe the contrast in experiences and to be honest, the victory of saving the tiny bird was well and truly over-shadowed by the loss of my beloved pet. And yeah, I get the lesson in that now - one life doesn't have more value over another. Life is life and it is all valuable and beautiful. Guess that ties in with the whole Michael Jackson circus and how I feel about it too. In my eyes, Michael Jackson is no more important than Joe Random or Ima Housewife.
But I digress....sigh...and the happy ending to my story is that last week the kids and I bought a new pup. I realised that I needed to keep loving to keep living.
Just like you and your little birdy darl - you give the gift of life by caring. No matter what the outcome, know that you gave exactly what that creature needs. You have already brought comfort and nurturing and sustenance to him/her. I hope that tomorrow you get to spend more time with this precious little visitor. Big hugs and lots of positive healing energy for you and your tiny charge