Nature Spirits ~ Devas ~ Elementals ~ Trees
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Devas are part of the Angelic Kingdom and are in direct service to
the world of nature expressing themselves as one of the 4 elements.
The exist in the ethereal world which runs parallel to our own.
They can be seen or felt intuitively or through the lens of a camera.
The Jews call them Shedim.
The Egyptians called them Afries.
Africans named them Yowahoos.
Persians called them Devs.
Ellie with Nature Spirits - upstate New York - November 1994
To 'talk telepathcally with nature spirits is to understand that they were created to help restore the balance of nature as humanity is bi-polar and in a constant state of destruction. The destrucrion of the exco-systems around the world - the Amazon ran forests - are just example.
There are those of us who love the gentle and compassionate frequencies of many nature spirits - working with them - or just being in their energies as we move towards the evolution of consciousness.
Nature Spirits are one way that allows human consciousness to connect beyond the physical and otherstand other realms.
Pan is the God of the nature spirits. He is half man and half goat. The nature spirits are for the most part composed of etheric matter. Their job is to build the plants. They channel the etheric forces they receive into physically constructing the particular plant patterns they are receiving from the devas. They are the physical workers who carry out the architectural blueprints. They express great joy and delight in their work. They vary in size from a fraction of an inch to elves who are three to four feet tall.
Elemental Kingdom
There are four basic elements of nature: fire, air, earth, and water. Within each of the four elements are nature spirits that are the spiritual essence of that element. They are made up of etheric substance that is unique and specific to their particular element. They are living entities oftentimes resembling humans in shape but inhabiting a world of their own.
The beings in the Elemental Kingdom work primarily on the mental plane and are known as "builders of form." Their specialty is translating thought-forms into physical forms by transforming mental patterns into etheric and then physical patterns. Each of them is a specialist in creating some specific form whether it be an electron or interstellar space.
Elementals range in size from smaller than an electron to vaster than galactic space. Like the angels, elemental beings begin their evolution small in size and increase their size as they evolve. The elementals serving on planet Earth materialize whatever they pick up from the thoughts and feelings of mankind. This relationship was intended to facilitate the remanifestation of "heaven on Earth."
They take their orders from the devas.
They do not remain individualized as humans are. These beings are animated by the thought power of the lower angels and so are thought forms of sorts.
They may be etheric thoughts forms, yet they have etheric flesh, blood, and bones. They live, propagate off spring, eat, talk, act, and sleep. They cannot be destroyed by frosser material elements such as fire, air, earth, and water because they are etheric in nature. they are not immortal. When their work is finished they are absorbed back into the ocean of spirit. They do live a very long time--300 to 1,000 years.
They have the power to change their size and appearance almost at will. They cannot, however, change elements.
Earth Gnomes
The nature spirits of the Earth are called Gnomes.
Earth Spirits