Response to September's Article on Obama, Health Care and the Fate of Mature Idealism
by Daniel Giamario
The article about the Saturn/Uranus opposition from September generated a great deal of response that has motivated some follow-up considerations. In response to some of the comments about the stand off between Uranus and Saturn and one of them winning, I would personally desire for Uranus to WIN. However, winning in this case is the old paradigm; we need some sort of synthesis. Incidentally, I am not so sure that Uranus always wins.
In response to Janet Miller and R. Phoenix: I have WAY more concern about the for-profit insurance industry and defense (war) industry, massive corporations, banking and Wall Street, than the "government" which, unfortunately, has almost totally been taken over by them.
I envision an Aquarian government formed by the will of sovereign citizens organized for the good of the commons. I certainly don't agree that Uranus just means "I'll do it myself." I see an Aquarian overlay, which is an egalitarian commons with jointly held ideals, not only maverick individualism. I reference the ideals of the "Aquarian Dispensation,' sourced originally in seed form over 6000 years ago, in response to the excesses of the Leo mystery school's view of elite bloodlines and hierarchical caste systems. What some of you are seeing as Uranus and Aquarius is, in my view, the shadow side of Leo and the "me" generation. Uranus and Aquarius are not adverse to oneness and wholeness or the commons, and certainly don't only represent radical individualism.
For reference: historically, Communism and Socialism are more related to Aquarius. Saturn and Capricorn are Fascism (government controlled by business) and dominator paradigms. We somehow need a synthesis, not a war. To R. Phoenix, I completely agree with your assessment of Obama as simply representing "one party," a party of corporate government controlled by Wall Street, Big Banks, and massive corporations, i.e. Fascism. My predisposition is Aquarian, as I see it. I do not personally align myself with either wing of the "one party." Also, I have never really based anything on the foundation of the Magna Carta or the US Constitution, and I've never been a fan of Plato's Republic. But the words of Martin Luther King, the latter writings of Malcolm X, Dick Gregory, Ursula Le Guin, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Bill Moyers, Elizabeth Debold, Michael Moore, Thom Hartmann and Rachel Maddow ring true for me.
I love the concept of "promoting the general welfare" and then to flesh that out. And yes, a "Mature Idealism" includes the moral, ethical and humane commitment that health care, food, and shelter are basic human rights; true as much for a child or family member of your own or ANY member of the human family. I agree with the sage commentary on alternative health care and individual personal responsible preventative self-care. These are footnotes to the larger story in my view. Thanks for all the stimulating feedback.
Also, Matt Taibbi's Rolling Stone articles continue to expose the Wall Street nightmare like no one else. In addition, Bill Moyers shows remain essential educational expressions of Mature Idealism. A recent show clearly documented the bankruptcy of the Ayn Randian laissez-faire capitalistic philosophy, including Alan Greenspan's amazing confession that his long held views from which he ran the Federal Reserve were wrong.
To read the original article and responses, follow this link.