By Molly Hall,
Aries: The Spirit of Youth
Wednesday February 17, 2010
In the 2010 horoscopes, I mentioned that this year would be marked by the Spirit of Youth. That's why I encourage you to revel in the dreamy month of Sun in Pisces (starting tomorrow), as a chance to catch your breath, imagine and connect to your own inner spiritual resources. Cast off the ancient baggage and revive your youthful glow. There's major planetary tension now -- with Saturn-Pluto square -- but when Uranus in Aries joins for the cardinal T-Square (June to August), the wild one joins the party. To the breakdown (Pluto) and re-structuring of society (Saturn), in walks the defiance to scrap it all and act on the impulse to start over.
In her latest play, I am an Emotional Creature, Eve Ensler draws on the greatest natural resource -- girls. The intro text is fiery with defiance and rejection of current established ways of society. Her girl characters say things like, "We don't accept your world. Your rules. Your wars. We don't accept your cruelty and unkindness." She could be speaking of the dangerous pulse of Uranus Aries, writing, "We are not afraid of what is pulsing through us. It makes us alive."
The unpredictable nature of Uranus and Aries makes it unwise to think about reacting to "what's pulsing through us" by controlling it. We need outlets, active ones, that direct it toward constructive, creative goals. The Moon is in Aries today, and squares Pluto, giving us a sample in a lite form, of what's to come. And I see the Mars Leo retrograde reminding us of what we're longing to achieve, create, express. It may be dreams we had in our youth, that we're now empowered to quickly act on.
The Pisces month is a time of integration, and dipping our pinky toes into the infinite (or total submersion if you're a good swimmer!) I see Pisces as a sign of miracles and infinite possibility. We can take off old masks of failure, and forgive ourselves for what we've left undone. It's a month to do that magical thing of surrendering to spirit, and picking up fresh currents in the process. It's a cloistered month to give yourself a deep pep talk, drawing on all spirit help out there -- animal, ancestral, angelic. There's a youth within that instinctively knows what to do with the pulse of life growing stronger and stronger.
Jessica Bowden