Who Owns the Earth?
Monday June 14, 2010
Molly Hall About.com
Yeah, for real...that's a good question. It's likely THE question of the cardinal grand cross, with our own individual destinies entwined with the fate of our mostly blue planet.
Emily Trinkhaus of Virgo Magic says this life or death question is up for us now. On the summer's grand cross formations, she writes, "The Gulf of Mexico catastrophe feels like the grand finale of the Age of Pisces gone wrong, a wake-up call of unfathomable proportions. Who owns the Earth? Who's responsible for her health? Who owns the water? Who signs the permission slips for assaulting the planet with deadly machines?"
Trinkhaus is included in a collection of short posts on the summer's astrology at the site of Robert Phoenix, Astrology for the Now Age. He's included me in this line-up, along with his own words of advice for the transition times we're in. He writes, "Be very gentle and kind during this period. Stay healthy, hydrated and cool. Bear witness to this series of moments and respond the best you can. Society and culture are made of individual responses and perceptions, which ripple into the overall pattern. In essence, you have a choice and an option to respond in a creative fashion, even if under duress."
Under duress, we see what we're really made of, because we're forced to dig deeper, reach higher, persevere. Yesterday I had the thought that in my next lifetime, I can kick back and chill, but not in this one. The phrase, "Look Alive" keeps coming into my head. Being alert, aware, healthy, and acting with integrity as best we know how, is key. And so is emerging from hopelessness to empowerment, in a process of becoming who we need to be to change our lives, and our world.