Molly Hall
Despair and Hopelessness: Huge Changes Begin in Small Ways
Monday July 19, 2010
I came across that song, I'd Love to Change the World over the weekend. It's a song that's always haunted me. The intensity of those times feels imprinted on my soul, having been born in the late sixties. And it's a hit for today's chaos -- the urgency many feel with all these drastic events happening, and the melancholy about being seemingly powerless to do anything about it.
There's so many extreme events happening, a lot of them life-death situations like in the Gulf. In her blog post, Transformation and the Gulf, Lynn Hayes writes, "Many of my friends are lost in despair over the dramatic loss of life and corruption of nature that we are seeing in the Gulf today, but in focusing on that we miss the point. The point is to allow the rage that fills our hearts with hate instead to energize us to fight for change."
Lynn Hayes continues, "This is what occurred in the 1960s when Uranus conjoined Pluto, and rage over the Vietnam war spilled over into a creative and exciting movement to transform every aspect of human life. In the coming years, as Uranus forms a square to Pluto, that creative energy is once again available to us. Rather than sink into a lethargy of melancholy over the events that we cannot control, adjusting our focus and activating our consciousness can begin to make huge changes, even if they begin in small ways."
You're not alone is you are despairing over the Gulf, the threat of a new war, etc. But I like Lynn's point that we can't know what will be inspired by all this collective rage and despair. For example, some are being activated to their life purpose, by the shifts of consciousness. The same tension that's making us agitated and on the edge, is a motivator for change.
One small way to begin that's within our control, is taking care of our bodies. Maybe it's the Pluto-Uranus in Virgo talking here, but being healthy in a sick society is an act of defiance. Is there a small act to do today that is life-affirming -- like drinking more water or going for a walk in nature. How about you? How are you coping with all this intensity?