Solar Spotlight
Forecast for Aries:
With the Sun in Aries at the same time the Dragon's Head moves through Leo, there's a way to clear the past and go forward through the outrageous element of fire.
Fire's nature is to express itself, to catalyze forces in the world by expressing what it means to be yourself. Aries loves a good fight. The best of all Aries fights happen when you realize that your opponent is a reflection of some denied part of yourself. By owning that disowned fragment, you can not only fight the good fight, but also reclaim wholeness within.
With Dragon's Head (south node of the moon) in Leo, beware claiming too much for yourself on an ego level. This is not about the Great Me, but about so becoming who you truly are that it no longer becomes an issue. If you don't yet know the difference between these two versions of selfhood, work on it.
Mark Borax
Soul Level Astrology