Ever have thoughts about your old crushes, like where they are now and so on? I have this ONE from high school that I've been ultra-curious about for almost 17 years now. I had a raging secret crush on him and I only ever talked to him once or twice, as I was ridiculously shy of him... I could flirt myself silly with the sweet but infuriating (
ha!) Gemini boy who I had fallen into an infatuation with, but just couldn't do it with my crush. So because of that I've always wondered where he got to - I even periodically try to search him on the internet and I never find a THING... a friend of mine who is an even better internet spy than I am can't even locate anything! It's like he dropped off the face of the planet and it is so annoying to me when I want to see what he looks like now....... The weirdest thing is that recently, his first name keeps popping up around me - it's not a massively common name (although it is relatively popular), but it happens to be one of my favourite names... I recently met someone with that name, and it was also unexpectedly said on Coronation Street the other night; it is really getting into my brain that I want to find out what happened to him (maybe I just need to get a closure on it or I'll always wonder about him)... hopefully nothing bad happened.
As for my Gemini boy, I located him on the internet and thought he seemed kinda silly so I didn't attempt to contact him or anything. It would be sort of weird if I saw him again, I must say!
Anyone else got old crush stories, or met their old crushes again years later??