I just can't watch the news because it overwhelms me in so many ways. Even reading the headlines gives me emotional reactions. What you describe happens to me sometimes when I encounter people face to face. What do we do with this information? Well in the case of the guy on TV, I guess you trust that everything is happening exactly as it is supposed to. We never really know what underlying forces are at play - is this karma being worked through or a soul agreement? Is this the man's chosen experience for this lifetime to enable his soul to evolve or grow? We don't know. We are sensitive to information that escapes most people, but like a doctor I think we have ethical considerations and confidentiality issues. Just because we can sense these other layers, doesn't mean we are supposed to act on them. Part of being is to remain centered within ourselves while the external world goes on around us. In a sense this makes us observers and not reactionaries. This is my opinion anyway.