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 I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand!

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Light Warrior
Light Warrior

I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand! Empty
PostSubject: I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand!   I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand! EmptyFri Dec 18, 2009 2:45 pm

I'm totally excited because I found out this morning that I won a scholarship to write my MA thesis next year! big grin This is single-handedly the biggest thing that's ever happened to me so far, and one of the things that has made me the most happy and awestruck ever! The thing is that last week I dreamed that I opened a letter and it told me I had won a scholarship! woot My dreams have been becoming a lot more interesting and premonition-like recently. Last week I had a freaky dream that Mr Gem's head came off and I told someone to ring an ambulance... turns out that morning he woke up with his hearing gone all strange and the lady at the doctor's office told him to go to Accident & Emergency so he could see a specialist - the parallel with my dream was just too weird! (He's ok now, it was just one of those strange things). Then last night I dreamed that I was walking up hill to go home and I was carrying a big bag of apples on my back - I was surprised at how strong my back was that I could carry these apples. Then today I ended up having to carry a lot of stuff around, and on my way home, about to go uphill, I found that the best way for me to carry it was over my shoulder across my back... and I got home with no back trouble! cheers Sooo yeah... just wanted to share my little tidbits!
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I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand!   I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand! EmptyFri Dec 18, 2009 5:13 pm

Way to go Gem!! woot Now that's what I call intuitive living. I love it when the spiritual stuff becomes integrated with reality and almost feels like a normal everyday thing. It is like seeing with two sets of eyes - broadening our experiences and making navigating around corners a little easier.

And the scholarship - CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I believe you manifested this. No doubt in my mind about it. It is part of your journey - you knew it was coming because you created it to help fulfill your purpose here. And you deserve to enjoy it. You are traveling in such a wonderful direction these days. Your energy has lifted dramatically. I get a sense of fun returning to your life after some pretty tough going. bravo This is the stuff that dreams are made of. I hope that yours all come true and fill you with love and peace and joy.

Thanks for sharing this - it means alot to me to hear about your life and where your experiences are taking you. Such fantastic validation of the shifting energies on this planet and the transition already well underway.

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Light Warrior
Light Warrior

I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand!   I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand! EmptyFri Dec 18, 2009 6:50 pm

Thanks so much Goth, and I agree with everything you just said! And as well as manifesting the scholarship (I did consciously do that as well as unconsciously, requesting assistance from the universe, my 'spiritual support team', praying to St Jude, and by sending reiki to help me manifest for the highest good), I believe it was a combined effort from not just me but from the universe, my guides, etc to put me on the right path in the first place; by being able to 'tune in' and from the insights given to me by many on this forum (including yourself), more and more possibilities opened to me, which ALL led to this coming about. big grin A few months back, totally unaware that I would run short on time for my admission to the programme, scholarship application etc, silly me didn't take enough heed of a very clear message from MB himself to get a move on - and I ended up overworked and overtired just to get it all done in a very short amount of time. I'm not sure if I ever posted this on the forums but I think it was kinda cute and amusing... a while after I'd decided to go down this path of doing the MA, one day whilst I was still unemployed I felt like it would be a good time to 'tune in' and see whether MB wanted to chat or tell me anything - not really expecting anything much to happen, I was surprised to see a vision of him smiling at me and skating by on a pair of rollerskates! First I was like "what the heck!" lol and I had no idea what was meant by it - it took me about a day to realise that it meant "get your skates on" - as in, hurry up and get your MA and scholarship stuff organised! But as I was unemployed and still had several months until everything needed to be handed in, I didn't take it quite seriously enough - so when I got my full-time job at the record store, I was suddenly overloaded with all of this stuff to do! lol... just goes to show how while we ourselves can't usually see around corners, our friends/family/guides in the spirit world CAN and they will do what they can to guide us. blu wink

Thank you so sooo much Goth... you're right, it has been tough going for at least a few years now, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially... the one awesome thing has been the spiritual progress though, and that's what has kept me going. And I agree that all this does have something to do with the shifting energies... my sister, just this week, also landed her dream job! It's only part-time for now, but it's a foot in the door and it is totally the right thing for her. Mr Gem is also considering FINALLY doing something positive and constructive with his life! I'm certain that we are all coming out of some bad times into a brand new phase...

Additionally - last week I got back into an old favourite singer (Rufus Wainwright), and it emerged to me a few days later that he is coming to NZ soon and that tickets went on sale the day I got back into him! When I looked up tickets etc, I was totally hit with 11:11's everywhere I looked, and I found that Rufus recorded a song called 11:11! The concert will be on at a street address of 111 as well. I got such a good vibe, and I booked my ticket! First big concert I've been to for years now, and I think it will be a very positive experience. big grin The last time my life was really fun, I was going to several concerts...then none at all while I was going through a bad time - so the fact that I'm going to a concert again very much coincides with this new phase and the fun returning...
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I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand!   I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand! EmptyWed Dec 23, 2009 2:59 am

Music seems to have always been a big part of who you are from as long as I have known you. I think it is a necessity for your soul. Going to the concert, to me, sounds like your soul saying 'yipee!" snd celebrating you allowing so much music back into your life. I think music is very tied in to our experiences and emotions. I was thinking about this the last couple of days. I have used music to inspire and drive me through a very dark recovery period in my life and it has actually had a positive impact on my mental state. I no longer listen to the dark depressing metal I used to when I was in a destructive relationship. Now I listen to songs that carry the messages I want to share with the world about strength and hope and unconditional love. I get a lot of stick from my younger sister over my listening choice because it is the Jonas Brothers who star on the Disney channel and are basically a kids' group. But there is so much positive energy around them and I really tap into that. Plus I think that as far as role models go for kids, these guys are preferrable to Eminem and Lady Gaga...My kids adore them and even my 6 yo looks up to the youngest one who has diabetes and encourages others not to let things slow them down.

Getting back to MB, he is an almost mystical figure whose music transports people to another dimension. I think it is this quality that allows you to have such a positive relationship with him and receive his messages. Spirit guides are there to help us, not to scare us. If we were frightened, we might not read the signs they show us properly or even block them out. Kind of defeats the purpose of them being around doesn't it? But then, they aren't there to intrude and distract your attention from your everyday life to the point where you aren't experiencing things naturally as chosen by your soul before incarnating either. The old saying, 'when the student is ready, the teacher arrives' holds great wisdom. The teacher is our life experiences and the guide is just that - a support to our experiences. They might give us information that helps us with what we are learning but they never interfere with the lesson. That is why sometimes when something bad happens and we call out for help, it seems like we get none and still have to endure the pain. many people still think that spirit guides should be able to warn them and help them avoid painful situations, but the truth is that all our experiences make up our lessons for soul growth while we are here. You cannot just choose the fun stuff and sidestep the painful! I do believe though, that many souls are in sync with the shifting energies and have chosen to endure great blocks of less than uplifting situations over the past few years and then come into a more positive set of lessons to coincide with this period of time on Earth. I would class myself in that category. No matter how hard I stupidly try to undone all my hard work in moving forward, the universe won't allow it to happen and sticks obstacles in my path. I am in a positive place emotionally, mentally and spiritually and there is no going back. I find myself travelling new paths and no longer struggling with my emotions. Even depression is a distant memory. There is one destructive person hovering on the rim of my life trying to re-enter but whenever he does, universe gets out the cricket bat and hits him for six right off the radar without me even having to deal with it. I actually laugh now when it happens because it is so obvious. From losing his licence to having his car put off the road by the police, to having no money to move, to running out of credit on his phone for weeks on end so he can't contact me to the latest - no accommodation being available near me until the end of January - it is all a well designed plan by the universe to support my (and his) journey forwards. When you stray from your path, there is always help available to bring you back. You might not like what you get, but you always get what you need. I bet the roads are cut by floods next so he can't come near me. That usually happens end of Jan/Feb. LOL> life's what you make it Gem. Might as well make it rock! laughtears
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Night Star
Night Star

I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand!   I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand! EmptyMon Dec 28, 2009 8:47 am

Congratulations Gem! sun for you huggz
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Light Warrior
Light Warrior

I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand!   I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand! EmptyFri Jan 08, 2010 1:41 pm

Thanks Nightie! big grin

Goth, I totally agree with what you're saying - you have such an amazing way of putting things into words that really crystallises the essence of things. Very often you say things that I might have known subsconciously but it takes you to post it here, for me to have the 'aha' moment where it's illuminated for me consciously. idea I love how you do that! I do believe that whatever happens, happens for our highest good even if that means going through difficult experiences... and there are the times when circumstances will 'step in' to protect us... like when your destructive ex is prevented from coming back into your life. jedi 2
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I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand!   I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand! EmptyTue Jan 12, 2010 8:57 pm

Aw thanks Gem *blush*. I often think of you as a younger more positive version of myself lol. Alot of your experiences resonate with me. I have changed back to a science degree majoring in Psychology for this year and I am totally pumped to get back into it. I also see myself teaching but not in a traditional sense. I have a big connection with children. On the weekend, I visited a friend and we sat down with four children (two of hers and two of mine) and we had an impromptu lesson in how to contact spirit using cards. It really helped dispell alot of the kids' fear and be able to connect with their own guides.

Update on the ex from Hell - no flood, but he did prang his car and wrote it off. No transport = bye bye. peace
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Light Warrior
Light Warrior

I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand!   I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand! EmptyThu Jan 28, 2010 6:08 pm

Awesome, Goth - on all counts. cool
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Light Warrior
Light Warrior

I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand!   I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand! EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 7:17 am

A little update... let me tell you I am so looking forward to beginning my studies next week, because I am totally exhausted right now from the past four months of working two jobs. Shocked I have been grateful to have had my job, but Goth you were right in something you said a while back. When I started the job four months ago, I loved it and would have been more than happy to continue in it full-time for a long time to come... so I was undecided about whether I would take the path of work or the path of study in the near future... and you'd said something along the lines that circumstances can change and that I might want different things in the near future. SO TRUE! I still like the job, and I will be doing it part-time while I study, but a lot of things have changed. The biggest change is that the store relocated - for the past 3 months it has been in a different mall with longer opening hours... and I have been given extra responsibility, which means I work slightly longer hours than all the other employees (I have also been working longer hours than the manager, especially since I have looked after the store for him while he went on holiday). So working consistently much longer hours, as well as working the notice period for my other part-time job, I have become totally exhausted. I still enjoy the job and I like being trusted with extra responsibility (which I'm capable of handling), but the fact that the hours are so much LONGER than before has really been doing my head in. Add to that the fact that some new rules are being enforced by Head Office, and also that between a couple of newer workers there has been a lot of negative energy generated (there's been some backstabby talk and complaining going on), and the working day has not been as enjoyable anymore. I have also found out that my iron levels are very low, and this is making everything much more tiring and hard to deal with. I'm taking iron pills now, and I am SO looking forward to working only part-time and having the freedom to sleep longer and focus on regenerating myself, physically and mentally. I very much hope that this year will be a time to relax again, and for doing what is good for me...
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I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand!   I got the best news of my life so far... and dreamed it beforehand! Empty

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