8 empowers and sets in motion a cycle of energy that is ever-lasting, and so this mandala is designed to empower a feeling of endless love within the viewer.
The symbol of 8 is the infinity symbol, and is a vibration of great power, strength, endurance and stamina. If we look at the 8 symbol, we see that it forms an endless looping in and out, a giving and receiving of energy in a never-ending cycle. Along with zero, the 8 is the only number that can be drawn over and over without taking your pen off the paper. It symbolises the endless cycle of cause and effect, which generates the laws of karma and the cycle of life in general. The karmic cycle is what keeps us focused on the earth plane, and underpins the physics of gravitational attraction, something the figure 8 displays graphically.
BLUE also relates to the vibration of 8, because for 8, the sky is the limit. An 8 aims high and they are determined to succeed at all costs. In MAYAN numerology, the 8 vibration conveys the energy of "harmonic resonance", in other words, 8 creates the energy field, the cosmic backdrop within which all other forms and energies are created and where they resonate with each other and define different vibratory dimensions. It is the number of the Universe, the cosmos, and therefore the colours that express 8's frequency most potently are deep blues and indigo. The Universe is infinite and is expressed via the infinity symbol of the 8.
8: The Octagon/ Lemniscate: Infinite Flow, The karmic weave of Cause & Effect.
"The mathematical curve which comes very close to picturing the interpenetration of centric and peripheral worlds, which Steiner was in the habit of using to illustrate his descriptions of the relationships of earthly and spiritual worlds and processes, is the Lemniscate, the figure of 8. The picturing of polar processes is almost always what he has in mind in using this geometrical form or symbol." OLIVE WHICHER: SUNSPACE
The shape of the 8 symbol, known as the Lemniscate, depicts the rhythm of energy that flows around and within two polar opposites. The material realm is a reflection, the polar opposite of the Spiritual world. The 8 shows us how these polar opposites pass through the same point of unity before measuring their differences. The crossing point of the figure 8 suggests the crossing-point from the material realm to the spiritual realm, the "needle's eye" through which it is difficult for those chained to materialism to pass.
Esotericism sees the 8 as signifying a resurrection into a higher consciousness, and representing the eternal and spiral motion of cycles. If we look at the 8 symbol, we see that it forms an endless looping in and out, a giving and receiving of energy in a never-ending cycle. Along with zero, the 8 is the only number that can be drawn over and over without taking your pen off the paper. It symbolises the endless cycle of cause and effect, which generates the laws of karma and the cycle of life in general. The karmic cycle is what keeps us focused on the earth plane, and underpins the physics of gravitational attraction, something the figure 8 displays graphically.
Pythagoras called the 8 "Light and Darkness". We can submerge ourselves in the density and greed of the material realm, in the lower half of the 8, (the dark aspect), or we can move up to the spiritual realms of light that exist above the material, symbolised by the top circle of the 8 symbol. The 8 teaches us to keep a foot in both camps and balance the knowledge of spirit and matter. We are here to find the light in the darkness, illuminate ignorance and become wise. The vibration of 8 generates an infinite cycle of energy that can bring spiritual inspiration to the planet, empowering consciousness in the process.
The symbol of 8 is the infinity symbol, and is a vibration of great power, strength, endurance and stamina. The 8 is also another way of symbolising the ancient spiritual axiom of AS ABOVE -SO BELOW. 8 is constructed from an upper and a lower circle, indicating that the material realm is merely a reflection of the much more expansive spiritual reality. The upper circle represents the heavens or spiritual consciousness, while the lower circle represents objective, 3D consciousness and the earth plane.
8's must keep their energy cycling between the two realms to be truly successful and fulfilled.Sometimes, an 8's energy may get "stuck" in either the upper circle, (the spiritual realms), or the lower circle, (the material, physical realm). They may want to stay in one realm or the other, or get trapped in materialism, or be unable to ground themselves in physical reality for long. But they must aim to keep a perceptual balance of both realms, and especially bring their immense spiritual power down to earth, and use it to create any reality they desire.
If we turn the symbol of 8 on its side, we have the image of a pair of balanced scales. Therefore, justice is very important to an 8, and they will always listen to both sides of the story with fairness and clarity and make a sound assessment of the situation and what to do to resolve it. This is why people will always ask an 8 for advice. Although an 8 can amass great wealth in the material realm, they will find that they are always looking for something more. The 8 makes you totally dedicated to your purpose and will work beyond the call of duty to get the job done. It makes you very ambitious and able to implement large projects that reach many people. 8's make excellent executives, and you will find 8's at the head of large companies who are considered to be the best in the business.
Rosalind Pape
Blueprint for Creation
Numberology & Scared Gemometry
The Spiritual Science of Vibration