Okay I am no expert but let me throw a few ideas into the pot
INTESTINE general unhapiness
INTESTINE your own guts / your inside feelings / own gut feeling
You are tugging at this in the dream - holding onto it and seeking help. This very much strikes me as you at the moment honey. You've had a rough time and come through it but something is nagging at you inside - your gut knows it. Your gut feelings are your intuition and these connect you to your higher self which also connects to your guides.
WHITE clearness, clarity and understanding
There's a big clue - you are seeking to understand, to clarify your feelings and get to the bottom of the problem.
LIGHT need to accept the truth
LIGHT suddenly enlightened
You are ready to deal with this - you want to move forwards in your life.
VAN a heavy workload - lots to do
VAN a very serious matter - having heavy or serious feelings for someone
VAN feein tired or sluggish
hmm, feeling like you carrying more than your load? I can see this in you. Not just workwise but emotionally and personally. Methinks some boundaries need adjusting. Let other people work their stuff out and you stick to your stuff. You are creating your own energy leak darl and it is leaving you depleted.
RADIO keep in touch with recent events
RADIO telepathy
RADIO unconscious signals from those around you
My sixth sense is saying there is a guide here trying to work with you on this. There is another dimension to things that are happening in your life and if you can alter your perspective there is an interesting lesson to be learned.
SPANISH being very emotional and passionate - almost hysterical
CALM DOWN!!! Sometimes we have to get out of our own way so we can hear our inner guidance or that of our guides. There's no point having the radio on if you don't understand the language being spoken. You are not alone in dealing with your feelings or the situations in your life. Help is abundant, however you might not see it because you are creating blocks. Spirit will keep trying to guide you but unless you are receptive, it will all just be noise in a foreign language....
This info came from:
dream dictionaryAnd the extra interpretations were my own from my intuition